Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Halloween

We were going to the pumpkin farm today, but mother nature had other plans. The weather predictions were correct, I awoke to heavy rain that turned into snow showers and more ran, pretty much rained in Baltimore City until around 7 or 8 pm. 

So I made it my day to sew, and boy did I sew.  I mended some uniforms for my mom, finished up my niece's ring dance dress, made a cover for my serger, and embroidered a tea towel.  I watched Charlie Brown's Halloween special Friday night and so in honor of that classic, here's it is!

Serger cover

I used Wildginger software to draft the pattern for this dress.   The drape in the front is a circle with a serged rolled edge.  Hopefully, I 'll get pics of her with it on. 

I've been watching quilt videos on You tube.  I'm in love with the "quilt as you go" quilt.  I also cut out some fabric strips today and will try my hand at it soon!   I need to get one more fabric to before I start. 

I've had a pretty productive day today!  Happy sewing friends, good night!!!


Melodye said...

Good to hear from you! I never make seasonal towels, but you've given me some ideas. And it's not as if I don't have supplies on hand! Beware the quilting bug; once it bites there's no cure!

Linda L said...

You were busy! Lovely red dress!