Today I was blessed by a "Sewing Angel." Her name was Diane. I was told she passed on three years ago. But when I stepped into her sewing room I felt like we were old friends. My sewing buddy, Latoria, introduced me to James, Diane's husband, who was cleaning out her room. He kept saying he wanted someone to have it who would use it. Well we all know that won't be a problem with me! Here are pics of the wonderful things he gave me that will be used in my new sewing center. The best thing I received and photograph was a dual sewing bed u- shaped sewing table! My DH had to disassemble it to transport it home. Once it's put together and in its new home, I'll share it with you. I know there are Los of pics, but I was overwhelmed by his generosity. Oh yes, Latoria got some great things too! Thanks again "Angel Diane"!
That is wonderful. Isn't it funny how folks leave this earth in a physical sense, but remains on earth in. Diane is still here and everytime you see the table or one of the items you received she comes to life. I had the same thing happen to me twice and the presence of the two women comes alive everytime I use or see one of the items that their family gave me.
What a great gift, I checked out the Great sewing spaces book from the library it's a great book.
You were given a great blessing. Cannot wait to see what you with Diane's legacy. I'm sure she will be proud.
Enjoy all your lovely BLESSINGS!
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